Weekend Tales #5 My ambition is to have an unextraordinary life

After I returned from my Penang vacation in April, I quickly checked my balconies. (I have two balconies, one which overlooks the apartment complex, and another which has a view of the hills and has a stunning skyline of the city I live in. I know, I’m terribly lucky!)

The one with the less stunning view had the most thriving garden as it gets most of the sun. As I was sure that most of it would die during my two weeks away, I harvested most of them to cook in Penang. There were some left, but by some miracle, the water spinach was still clinging to life, and the Brazilian spinach cuttings I had left in water bottles on the balcony table were sprouting roots, ready to be replanted.

But that’s not the only thing I found. I noticed that there were dried leaves and debris on the wooden floor. Puzzled, I looked up at the money plant hanging on the wall.

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